At Leather Galleria, ensuring the online privacy of our customers is our top priority, and we implement all necessary measures to safeguard it.
Whether you opt for registration with Leather Galleria or choose to explore our website anonymously, the information we gather is limited to details such as your name, address, contact numbers, email address, payment preferences, credit/debit card numbers, bank account information, etc. This information will be utilized, at a minimum, for the following purposes:
- Processing, fulfilling, and shipping your orders.
- Providing customer service and support.
- Enhancing your browsing experience on our website.
Leather Galleria is committed to not sharing your information with any third-party entities for any reason, and it will solely be used by Leather Galleria.
For registered users employing cookie-enabled web browsers, automatic sign-in occurs when visiting our website. However, it's important to note that users will need to sign in again after 14 days when the cookie expires.
Please be aware that Leather Galleria employs cookies to monitor your visits to our website, the contents of your shopping cart, purchase history, and to deliver personalized content tailored to you. While most web browsers automatically accept cookies, you can modify this setting if you prefer. You will still have access to most features on Leather Galleria’s website, including the ability to make purchases.
By utilizing the Leather Galleria website, you express your agreement to adhere to our policies, which may undergo changes at any time. In alignment with Leather Galleria's policy, if the address/phone number is incorrect, the premises of the given address are locked, the intended recipient is unavailable, or the customer is unresponsive to calls, Leather Galleria reserves the right to cancel your order without prior notice.